Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Comparing Ralph and Jack to Show How the Characters Change in Lord of t

Comparing Ralph and Jack to Show How the Characters transform in Lord of the FliesGolding uses many techniques to change his characters as they hapthroughout the young. The main character Ralph is a prime example ofthis growth character.Both of the boys arrive on the island with a certain manner. They are commonsensical and being from well brought up families and homes, soon startto work in concert in harmony on the island.The first time we encounter Ralph is at the beginning of the novelwhere he is described as The boy with charming whiskerHe had taken offhis school sweater...His grey shirt crumple to his back and his hairwas plastered to his forehead. The fact he has fair hair and also thequote built like a boxer purpose he could be a heroic figure. Thisemphasised by Golding when he all the way fork ups Ralph to be from a publicschool as he has taken off his school sweater.We can get a line that Ralph is still clearly a child at this point in thenovel, he stands on his h ead and uses juvenile language such asWhacko and friendWhen the voice of piggy shouts out, he stops and waits. This shows usan insight that he is willing to wait for this unknown person, but hejerks up his stockings Golding uses this to show us that he isimpatient too.Later on in the chapter we infer Ralph being offhand and obviouslyuninterested towards oafish. We feel sympathetic to Piggy as he is seenas an outcast from the very beginning.We can see that Piggy is knowledgeable as he spots the conch, andknows what it is. Although Piggy rear it, Ralph is the person whoswims down to the bottom of the lagoon and collects it from the reeds,showing us that he is clearly strong and fit, as he can swim.T... ...e and ape-like and finally his multicolor face, hiding allinnocents and his sinister side. Near the end of the novel, he feelsno shame about the deaths of Simon and Piggy, nor his attempts to killRalph. In the novel Jack and his kin represent anarchy and thedownward spiral of ci vilisation. This is most seen when the conch,which throughout the novel is the symbol of humanity and civilisation,is smashed.Both Ralph and Jack have changed throughout the novel. Goldingpresents both(prenominal) of them as young innocent children at the beginning.They are almost unrecognizable by the end. They have changed bothphysical and mentally. There is an intervention at the end the Navalofficer, jokes about them having a war or something? and this of be given is exactly what is happening.The moral of the novel is with out intervention, which will win, goodor evil?

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